Ghidini warranty
All Ghidini products reflect the highest construction and quality standards. They are the result of a characteristic and original design, and in many cases enjoy dedicated patents.
The materials used are of quality and certified according to current European regulations in terms of food contact safety.
The warranty, where applicable, is stated on the packaging of the products.
In accordance with articles 128 and the following ones of the Consumer Code, the warranty covers any defect on the purchased items, at the time of delivery and which may occur within the term indicated on the warranty seal on the packaging.
The legal warranty excludes any damage caused by accidental events, incorrect use of the article, or for damages due to non-compliance with the instructions for use, or damage resulting from normal wear and tear.
To benefit from the warranty, the buyer must report the lack of conformity after discovery, within the terms provided for by the provisions in force on the subject.